Category: Uncategorized

  • tsconfig’s skipLibCheck

    Official Documentation: Some library may not coagulate all of their .d.ts files to single behemoth. If you set skipLibCheck to true, those typings will not be checked. Sample case: Intertia React Package @ 1.0.14 (NPM Artifact link). The .d.ts files were split to several files. Fails to set skipLibCheck will makes your IDE tells…

  • GitLab CI/CD: Weird Tag Behavior

    While setting up Publisher for a private company, I found weird behavior: the tags from previous job is carried over to the release job. This causes problem because it triggers unnecessary tag releases. To fix this, just set the GIT_STRATEGY variable to clone instead of fetch. Reference: See the change context here: This…

  • Bun and Git Integration

    From the Bun author, edit ~/.gitconfig, add following details:

  • Git Prune Branches

    This one is from .gitconfig in home folder:

  • Docker: Install via `COPY –from=`

    You can install binaries (especially those that build their binaries and embed it to docker image) via COPY –from command. Here’s an example for Composer:

  • Git Submodules: Clone, Push All Submodules Automatically, and Remove.

    Right after cloning the project, init the submodule with: Then (if you need), go to that submodule’s folder and checkout to the branch. Pushing Submodules Commit From Root Project When pushing from root git, and git submodule actually have several commit to push too, the git root actually wont push with following error message: According…