Git Folder-Scoped Config
NextJs: Silence SASS Warnings
Add the following configuration to your next.config.ts (or .js):
YouTube: Taking Down Videos with Cloned Voice
Steps: Sources:
Google Apps Script: GmailApp Not Returning Emails with after/before Query
In Google Apps Script, you cannot just use after and before keyword in query. You’ll need the date to be converted to Epoch (seconds) first. Not even ISO 8601. i.e Query to get GitHub Invocies for username chez14: On the UI, you can do that and the result may still come up, but in APIs,…
Joining 2 PDFs
Via GhostScript:
Brother DCP-T420W Double Sided Printing
I can’t believe I’m this stupid that I need to write this down 🤦
When running pnpm install, pnpm throws an error: The error is not clear what “configuration” should i choose. package.json‘s config field? Or pnpm config? I’m not sure. From this PR, apparently you need to set it on .npmrc: References: Upgrading the PNPM Use corepack up, as mentioned by edvinv. … or maybe follow the pnpm’s…
Firefly III: `REMOTE_USER` Setup
BPJS TK Withdrawing
Steps to Prepare for BPJS TK Withdrawal (summary): Tips for BPJS TK Withdrawal: Additional Tips for BPJS TK Withdrawal: References:
Protected: Cloudflare: WP Configs
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