Ubuntu: Use Official, Newer Upstream Git
Ubuntu Calendar: No Popups, only Notifications.
And run this command: References:
Laravel Init (w/ Inertia)
TS Support Refs: Install plong Theme
`git rebase` but keep the timestamp
Ubuntu 22: Setup DNS over TLS
Edit /etc/systemd/resolved.conf, make sure you set the following lines (notice the DNSSEC and DNSOverTLS): Then restart the services: My original intention with option DNSOverTLS set to opportunistic is to support Mikrotik’s Walled Garden Wifis that often hijack early connections to make sure you logged in first. — Thanks to opinion_no9 (From https://askubuntu.com/a/1111592/647986) for the option…
tsconfig’s skipLibCheck
Official Documentation: https://www.typescriptlang.org/tsconfig#skipLibCheck Some library may not coagulate all of their .d.ts files to single behemoth. If you set skipLibCheck to true, those typings will not be checked. Sample case: Intertia React Package @ 1.0.14 (NPM Artifact link). The .d.ts files were split to several files. Fails to set skipLibCheck will makes your IDE tells…
GitLab CI/CD: Weird Tag Behavior
While setting up Publisher for a private company, I found weird behavior: the tags from previous job is carried over to the release job. This causes problem because it triggers unnecessary tag releases. To fix this, just set the GIT_STRATEGY variable to clone instead of fetch. Reference: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/runners/configure_runners.html#configure-runner-behavior-with-variables See the change context here: https://gitlab.com/chez14/publisher/-/commit/d1f7cb50c5d0461b182c622fc2bed395e56f6c26. This…
NextJs: Ignore TypeORM build warnings
The fix: The warnings:
Bun and Git Integration
From the Bun author, edit ~/.gitconfig, add following details:
Ubuntu: Change Swapfile Size
Taken from Ploi: To verify your swap size run the following command and you will see the swap size: free -m